How Social Media Affects People

Written By: Paula Romero and Maxwell Smith

6th Grade

April 15, 2019

IMG_0250Social Media can have many effects on people, good and bad. We asked a few teachers and students how they thought social media helped or hurt the personality and confidence of kids.

We asked a few teachers questions about this topic including when they thought people should get phones, when they should get social media and how they thought it influenced kids. Mrs. Barnes a 5th grade teacher thought that kids should get phones at 14, “people should get social media at 16 and it influences kids based on what they are exposed to and their attitude.” A 6th grade Mrs. Maldonado thought that kids should get a phone at 13, social media at 17 and said “It influences kids in a negative way because kids can become distracted and caught up in drama which can cause you to lose your self worth in real life.” Another 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Jha thinks that kids should get a phone and social media when they are 18, and “influences kids horribly because it distracts them.”

We also have some of the student point of views. We asked them what social media they have, How they influences you and if it influences negatively then why do you use that social media.

Nandini says that she uses Tik Tok, she said “ It influences people in a negative way because it can hurt you and reduce your confidence.” She still uses it because it helps her communicate. Emily uses Snapchat and Tik Tok. She says “It influences in a good way because it makes me feel confident.” Ali uses Snapchat and Instagram and said “It influences me in a good way because I enjoy it.”

We can see that there are different points of view about social media and its impacts. Just remember to not let social media influence you too much to be someone that you are not.

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